Welcome to
Grade 1
Mrs. Morris Grade 1 Room 105

Do you know what WWJD means?  If not, ask the boys and girls in room 105.  We are concentrating on this meaning
during Lent.  We hope it becomes a habit forever.

Also during the month of March, we are learning :::
  in Spelling and Phonics: long vowel word families.  Here is a riddle for you--What tree hides inside a CLOAK?  Do
you know the answer?  Ask someone in Room105 if you can't figure it out.
  in Math:  The value of money and telling time to the hour and half-hour.

This is the last month for the "Book it" Program.  I hope you continue to read with and to your family.  The ten best
ways to learn how to read are:
1.  Read
2.  Read
3.  Read
4.  Read
5.  Read
6.  Read
7.  Read
8.  Read
9.  Read
10.  Read